Discover Clarity, Healing & Guidance for Your Soul.
​Your journey is uniquely yours, and while I can guide you, it's you who must take the steps. Together, we’ll work to shift your energy and receive messages that support your growth. After each session, you'll receive spiritual "homework" to help you integrate and embody the wisdom and healing we've uncovered together.
​Reiki Healing​
Experience the gentle yet profound power of Reiki healing, a holistic energy therapy designed to restore balance, promote relaxation, and support emotional, physical, and spiritual well-being.
During a Reiki session, I channel universal life force energy to clear blockages, harmonize your energy centers, and bring your body, mind, and spirit into alignment. This deeply nurturing experience can help reduce stress, enhance self-healing, and create a sense of peace and clarity.
Each session is intuitively guided to meet your unique needs, allowing you to release what no longer serves you and reconnect with your natural state of harmony and vitality. Whether you’re seeking relief from stress, emotional support, or deeper spiritual connection, Reiki offers a gentle yet transformative path to renewal and balance.
Shamanic Healing
Shamanic healing works on a deep level, addressing the root causes of emotional, physical, and spiritual challenges, and helping you reconnect with your true essence. Each session is uniquely tailored to your intentions and guided by spirit to facilitate profound transformation and empowerment.
During the session, my spirit team and I will be able to perceive your wounds within your energy field and clear anything causing you disharmony on an energetic level.
Different techniques I could use include: Reiki, minor extractions, compassionate deposession (major extractions), decoupling (chakra balancing), chakra illumination, past life healing, aura cleansing, cord cuttings, ancestral healing, power animal retrievals, soul retrievals, destiny retrievals, etc.
At the end of the session, you will receive Spirit led homework to help you integrate the healing you received. This is perfect for those who have complex PTSD, PTSD, chronic pain, depression, anxiety, and addictions.
Benefits of Shamanic healing:
Improved mental health
Pain relief
Greater sense of joy
Multidimensional healing
Expands your consciousness
Deeper connection to Self
Encourages personal and spiritual growth​​​
Psychic Reading
Step into the realms of clarity and insight with my personalized psychic readings, designed to illuminate your path and provide profound guidance.
You can choose between a Spirit-led reading, where I connect directly with higher guidance to bring forward the messages meant for you in this moment, or a session guided by your open-ended questions about relationships, career, life purpose, spiritual growth, or any area of life where you seek clarity.
During your reading, I tune into your energy field and channel intuitive messages to offer clarity, reassurance, and actionable insights. Each session is safe, sacred space tailored to your unique energy and intentions, empower you to make decisions aligned with your highest good.